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stock and flow造句

stock and flowの例文  


  • Thus stocks and flows are the basic building blocks of system dynamics models.
  • Interacting stocks and flows generate the dynamic behavior of metrics such as MC and cost.
  • Stocks and flows also have natural meanings in many contexts outside of economics, business and related fields.
  • It is an accounting framework that records the stocks and flows that are relevant to both the environment and the economy.
  • This criticism alleged inconsistencies in data revisions between stocks and flows, which were then ( mis-) attributed to " Other changes ".
  • Such models have mostly been created and used by MFA scholars and are helpful in determining present and future sub-processes and material stocks and flows within the urban environment
  • Vensim provides a graphical modeling interface with stock and flow and causal loop diagrams, on top of a text-based system of equations in a declarative programming language.
  • The Experimental Ecosystem Accounts, specifically, introduces an accounting framework for ecosystems, despite the fact that many of its relevant stocks and flows are centered on non-market assets.
  • His work has since expanded into including infrastructure-related stocks and flows and combining this with LCA . This research has covered infrastructures for waste, water supply, wastewater, district heating and traffic.
  • In order to make these stock and flows comparable between countries and across time, one may normalize these by some measure of the size of the country's economy, most often GDP, that is, compute the debt to GDP ratio.
  • It's difficult to see stock and flow in a sentence. 用stock and flow造句挺難的
  • Polish economist MichaB Kalecki emphasized the centrality of the distinction of stocks and flows, caustically calling economics " the science of confusing stocks with flows " in his critique of the quantity theory of money ( circa 1936, frequently quoted by Joan Robinson ).
  • In economics, one distinguishes between stocks and flows : a stock has units of " units " ( say, widgets or dollars ), while a flow is a derivative of a stock, and has units of " units / time " ( say, dollars / year ).
  • The application of memetics to a difficult complex social system problem, environmental sustainability, has recently been attempted at thwink . org Using meme types and memetic infection in several stock and flow simulation models, Jack Harich has demonstrated several interesting phenomena that are best, and perhaps only, explained by memes.
  • Simple examples of stocks are water that accumulates in a bathtub, accumulations of product inventory, or money that accumulates in a bank account . [ [ File : Simple LPM stock and flow . png | frame | ] ] Stocks are measured in units such as gallons, items, or dollars.
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